Optimizing CUDA Kernels

3 minute read


Notes from “Professional CUDA C Programming” by John Cheng, Max Grossman, and Ty McKercher. Since this book is old, information is only accurate for Fermi / Kepler generation devices.

Shared Memory Bank Conflicts

Each SM contains small latency memory pool accessible by all threads in threadblock known as shared memory. Shared memory is divided into 32 equally-sized memory banks. Each bank can service one 32-bit word per clock cycle. If multiple threads in the same warp access the same bank, the bank must serialize the requests. This is known as a bank conflict.

On Kepler, the size of each bank entry can be 32 or 64 bit.

# 64-bit mode
bank index = (bbyte address / 8 bytes/bank) % 32 banks

To mitigate bank conflicts, we can use padding to ensure that each thread accesses a different bank.

You typically use __syncthreads() to ensure that all threads in the block have finished writing to shared memory before reading from it.

Global Memory

We want our reads/writes to be:

  • aligned
  • coalesced

L1 cache line is 128-bytes.

Uncached loads that do not pass through L1 cache are performaed at the granularity of memory segments (32-bytes) and not cache lines (128-bytes).

Writes do not get cached in L1. They can be cached in L2. Memory transactions are 32-byte granularity and can be one, two, or four segments at a time.

Fast Matrix Transpose

Matrix transpose is hard because reading/writing to global memory column-wise results in a lot of uncoalesced memory accesses. This will hurt your global load/store efficiency.

Assume 2D matrix. Each threadblock is responsible for a 2D tile. Each thread is responsible for 1 element in tile.

  1. Each thread reads from global memory (row-wise) and writes to shared memory (row-wise). Adjacent threads (based on threadIdx.x) read adjacent elements in the same row. These reads are likely coalesced and aligned (good). These writes to shared memory are also row-wise and do not result in bank conflicts.
  2. Use __syncthreads() to ensure all threads have finished writing to shared memory.
  3. Each thread reads from shared memory (column-wise) and writes to global memory (row-wise). Adjacent threads (based on threadIdx.x) read adjacent elements in the same column. These reads from smem may result in bank conflicts but we can fix this. These writes to global memory are row-wise so they are coalesced and aligned.


  • unroll the grid. now each threadblock is responsible for k tiles. each thread is responsible for k elements in tile.
  • pad the shared memory to avoid bank conflicts:
    // not padded
    __shared__ float tile[BDIM_Y][BDIM_X];
    // padded
    __shared__ float tile[BDIM_Y][BDIM_X+2];
  • try various grid dimensions. more threadblocks can mean more device parallelism.

Fast Reduce

  • warp shuffle trick is insane. this forgoes need for block level sync like __syncthreads(). This is because threads in a warp can communicate with each other without needing to sync with other warps.
    __inline__ __device__ int warpReduce(int mySum) {
      mySum += __shfl_xor(mySum, 16);
      mySum += __shfl_xor(mySum, 8);
      mySum += __shfl_xor(mySum, 4);
      mySum += __shfl_xor(mySum, 2);
      mySum += __shfl_xor(mySum, 1);
__global__ void reduceShfl(int *g_idata, int *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
    // shared memory for each warp sum
    __shared__ int smem[SMEMDIM];
    // boundary check
    unsigned int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (idx >= n) return;

    // read from global memory
    int mySum = g_idata[idx];

    // calculate lane index and warp index
    int laneIdx = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
    int warpIdx = threadIdx.x / warpSize;

    // block-wide warp reduce
    mySum = warpReduce(mySum);

    // save warp sum to shared memory
    if (laneIdx == 0) smem[warpIdx] = mySum;

    // block-wide sync

    // last warp reduce
    mySum = (threadIdx.x < SMEMDIM) ? smem[laneIdx] : 0;
    if (warpIdx == 0) mySum = warpReduce(mySum);

    // write to global memory
    if (threadIdx.x == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = mySum;